Giving Inmates a Second Chance

Helping Post Incarcerated Men Successfully Rebuild Their Lives

Men In Transition is a compassionate non profit organization dedicated to helping previously incarcerated men successfully re-integrate back into society to become contributing members of society. We do this with love and compassion while giving these men the training and support system they need to be successful.

The Criminal Justice System is Flawed

One mission of the prison system is rehabilitation, unfortunately this is where the prison fails miserably.  Programs that offer life skills, vocational skills and higher education have proven to reduce the chances of inmates returning to prison. Unfortunately, due to funding shortfalls especially in California, these programs are the first to be cut. Studies have shown that providing life skills, vocational training and higher education to inmates significantly increase the success rate of inmates reintegration back into society where they are less likely to return to prison.

Also, the lack of a support system after release is another reason why inmates return to prison. Post incarcerated men need access to housing and employment. They need access to health services including mental health.  Without a support system to help them get jobs, housing and health services, their future is doomed and more than 75% return to prison with 5 years. Almost half will return to prison within 3 years.

Our Mission is to Break the Cycle

Men in Transition was formed to help break the revolving door of prison return.  We take a holistic approach to post incarcerated men in helping them find housing and employment.  We take these men under our wings and give them 13 weeks of life skill training. After securing housing for them, we embark on a 13 week program that teaches these men how to find employment and more important, how to stay employed. We reach out to local employers to help secure employment for these men after they graduate from our 13 week program.  We mentor them to be responsible and family oriented. We form lasting relationships with them as mentors so they go on to become productive members of society and break the cycle of prison.

With the Help of Christ, these Men can Do Anything

We are a faith based organization dedicated to Christ. We are not shy about our faith and we share with these men a better to way to live as a Christian.  Being a Christian is not a condition to be accepted into our program.  As men of faith, we enjoy sharing our faith as we believe that change happens from the inside, out and real change is what transform these men into the men that God meant them to be.

Help These Men Never Return to Prison Again

We are a nonprofit organization and your giving helps fund this mission.  These men need housing, food and basic resources to be successful and these resources cost money. We partner with transitional and sober living facilities along with potential employers. This work is time intensive and we are 100% dedicated to giving these men the support system they need to succeed. Will you please help us? Your donation is completely tax deductible and breaks the cycle of prison return. Post incarcerated need support, training and access to vital services and that’s what Men in Transition provide.  Please Help us keep another man from returning to prison with your tax deductible donation. Also, please consider monthly recurring donation. Your generous giving will give these men a second chance.


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