Never Return to Prison

How to Never Return to Prison


One of the biggest reason inmates return to prison of those who truly want to change their lives is they have no support group.  Many inmates return to the same environment that put them in prison. Without a good support system of peers, housing and access to financial aide, the chances that an inmate will return to prison is greatly increased.

Our goal is to supply that support system that post incarcerated men need to be successful. We highly encourage that inmates not return to the exact area they lived in prior to being incarcerated.  We look for transitional and sober living homes where inmates can learn social living skills in a free but supervised environment. Accountability is very important when it comes to reestablishing into society and we supply the support and accountability needed for men to successfully transition back into a free society.


Basic life skill training is vital to newly released inmates. These skills include how to find an entry level job and keep it. How to successfully get promoted and how to obtain better paying jobs after establishing a work history.  We also supply life skill training in finding housing and anger management along with managing finances.

We supply a 13 week class where are participant receive intense training on finding employment and housing as well as anger management, social integration and finance management.  After graduation, our participants are ready to go to work.  During this time we also provide housing for our participants in partnership transitional housing facilitates.  This way our participants get one on one training from Men In Transition and stay in an environment where they can begin to rebuild their lives free of drugs and gang affiliations.  We also work employers who are willing to give participants with a felonies a second chance and get back on the road to being self sustaining.


After training we actively look for employment for participants.  Our intense 13 week training gives them the skills they need to stay employed as they learn tolerance, discipline and good work ethics. We work with employers who are willing to hiring ex felons and we provide the accountability that inmates need as they start their work journey. We also work with our participants on online job boards to help them find local jobs. We provide interviewing skills and we partner with other non profits to provide clothing for interview.  We train our participants on how to find jobs with a felon records and we give them hope that they can be successful and productive citizens.


What we find that most post incarcerated men need is mentorship and accountability. Our core group and trainers are people who have spent many years in prison ministry and we fully understand the needs of the post incarcerated. As men, we provide accountability and leadership that may have never seen given to these men as adolescent and young adults. Mentorship of these men is most important to keep them on track and out of trouble. Showing men what true men look like in terms of leadership, assumption of responsibility and the willingness to look after their fellow men. We do this through biblical principles of Christ without forcing anyone to accept any religious affiliation. Simply be demonstrating Christ love – actions speak louder than words and a natural mentorship is formed. With more than 20 years in prison ministry, we fully understand the type of mentorship these men need to be successful.


How do you keep post incarcerated out of trouble and put them on the road to success? Form lasting relationships with them. This is not a quick fix program. We partner with these men for a life time. Forming lasting relationships with these men forms the bond that will help these men navigate through all the peaks and valley of life.  They are not alone through this new journey of a free life.

Financial Support

To make all this happen, we need your financial support. We find housing and employment for our participants and takes funding. We put our participants through a comprehensive 13 week program that is time intensive. We need your support. Give these men a second chance !  Are doors are open to all inmates and we go through a selection process that puts inmates through a transformation program that will change their lives forever.  Let me emphasize, not everyone makes the selection process, only those who truly want a better life free of substance abuse and gang affiliation and those who truly want to be productive citizens.  So help us help these men.  These successful graduates will go on to get employment and will be able to support their family after they get back on their feet.

Help these men become the men that God meant them to be. We need your financial support to make this happen. Consider a one-time donation or a monthly recurring donation. Your donation to this 501 c charity is tax deductible and you will be helping these men get their lives back that was stolen abusive parents, gang affiliation, substance abuse and just plain bad decisions.  They are now ready to change their lives for ever with your help.


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