We Know How


We have 20 years of experience in prison ministry and we know what incarcerated men need to successful, self-sufficient men that can re-integrate back into society and become contributing members of society.

We have been successful creating Christ centered ministry in California prisons from medium to maximum security prisons.  Our experience base makes us uniquely qualified to help these men successfully reintegrate back into society.

With a combined experience of over 20 years there is not much we have not already seen in prison. That unique experience helps us mentor men who truly want to change their lives and make a difference in society.

Nonprofit Organization Experience

We also have experience working in nonprofit organizations that deal in helping adults who suffer in substance abuse.  One biggest reason people go to prison is substance abuse charges which is at epidemic stages in the Los Angeles, Inland Empire, Orange County and Bay Area.  Our unique blind of nonprofit experience in substance abuse, prison ministry and foster placement system.  We understand why so many young adults are incarcerated and what it takes to keep them out of the cycle of incarceration.

Corporate Management

Our partners have also spent time in Corporate America in the private industry as well as government positions. Our experience ranges from Project Management to administrative management. Our team includes professional licenses as well as MBA.  Our backgrounds are diverse from Engineering to Business Management. Our success ranges from Flight Instructor and Corporate Pilot to Brown Belt 6 Sigma Industrial Optimization.  We not only have a successful career in prison ministry and nonprofit substance abuse organization, but we also have a successful career in the private and government business world too. Our degrees run the gamut of Aerospace Engineering to Business Management.  We mentor success because we are the model of success.

We Need Your Help

As a nonprofit organization, the success of the post incarcerated men depends on your giving.  Your tax-deductible donations help fund their success back into society as contributing members of society. Our graduates mean less men who will go back to prison and burn through more taxpayer funding of the criminal justice system.  We need your help to make this happen. Please give today !  One-time donation or recurring monthly donation will help our participants a second chance.  Your funding provides what the prison system does not provide – training, accountability, positive environment and fellowship, blueprint for success and not failure. Donate today !


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